Hello guys, this time we will discuss about how to make Smarthome using the Features of the Voice Commands on your Smartphone, before continuing to make the tools, we better know the important parts of the device, Arduino and Relay. Come on, check the discussion below !!
What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source single-board micro controller, derived from the Wiring platform, designed to facilitate the use of electronics in various fields. The hardware has the Atmel AVR processor and the software has its own programming language. Arduino is currently very popular throughout the world. Many beginners learn to know robotics and electronics through Arduino because it's easy to learn. But not only beginners, hobbyists or professionals also like to develop electronic applications using Arduino. The language used in Arduino is not a relatively difficult assembler, but the C language is simplified with the help of Arduino libraries. Arduino software itself is Arduino IDE, which can be installed on your PC or Laptop.
What is Relay?
Relay is an electrically operated Switch and is an Electromechanical component consisting of 2 main parts namely Electromagnet (Coil) and Mechanical (a set of Contact Switches / Switches). Relays use the Electromagnetic Principle to move the Contact Switch so that with a small electric current (low power) can conduct higher-voltage electricity.
Ingredients in making Smarthome
The ingredients needed include:1. Arduino Uno R3
2. Module MB102
3. 1 channel relay
4. HC-05
5. Male to Male jumper cable
6. Male to Female jumper cable
7. Lights
8. Power Cord
9. Lamp Fittings
10. Outlet
11. Adapters
12. Projectboard
Manufacturing Steps
1. Prepare the ingredients needed
Prepare materials used for current sources, such as lights, cables, fittings, electrical outlets, and adapters.
Prepare materials that are used as Electronic Circuits to support the work of your Smart Home such as, Arduino + Usb Cable, Projectboard, HC 05, Relay 1 ch, Jumper Cables, and the MB102 Module.
2. The component set as shown
The next step is to assemble the components, like the picture above:
1. Plug in the MB102 Module with your Projectboard, and pay attention to the Polarity of the MB102 Module with the Projectboard (Positive to Positive, and Negative to Negative)
2. HC-05 is plugged into your Projectboard
3. Connect the RX HC-05 with TX (pin 1) on Arduino
4. Connect TX HC-05 with RX (pin 0) on Arduino
5. Connect VCC and GND HC-05 with VCC and GND on the Projectboard
6. Connect VCC and GND on Arduino with VCC and GND on the Projectboard
7. Connect Pin VCC and GND on Relay 1 CH with VCC and GND on Projectboard
8. Connect the IN pin on Relay 1 CH with Pin 8 on Arduino
9. The circuit is complete, and will be as shown below
After the electronic circuit is complete, then string the circuit that leads to the lamp:
1. Connect the cable with the plug
2. Connect the cable to the right side of the (Zero) Socket
3. Then, connect the NC Terminal with the left part of the Outlet.
4. Then connect the cable section on the Wall Socket to the COM Terminal on the 1 channel relay
5, The circuit is complete, and starts to be programmed.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial module_bluetooth(0, 1); // pin RX | TX
char data = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if(Serial.available() > 0)
data =;Serial.print(data);
//The enter data in App
if(data == '0'){
digitalWrite(8, HIGH); //delay 1 second
else if(data == '1'){
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
Then download the Bluetooth Voice App on Playstroe on your Smartphone.
Next, we adjust the data in the application to match the program, click the + sign, then add words to the "Say" section, such as "Turn ON" or "Turn Off".
If so, we set it back to the Get section. For "Turn On" we type 1, for "Turn Off" we type 0. Then click "ADD".
For more details, you can watch the video below:
For those who are still unfamiliar with Arduino, please click here, here is also explained about Arduino in full, and where to download Arduino IDE.
~~Thank You~~
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